Port Said Cruise

Port Said Cruise

Wandering the shops

Founded at the start of the Canal excavations, by the late nineteenth century Port Said (Bur Said in Arabic) was an important port where all the major maritime powers had consulates.

Now it’s a port of call on your cruise of the Mediterranean Sea with MSC Cruises. On the southern side of the city centre, the area close to the Arsenal Basin is a good place to see some of Port Said’s dusty nineteenth-century European-style colonial houses, which although dilapidated remain wonderfully evocative. Sadly, with new constructions springing up constantly, these buildings may not be there much longer. The city centre’s principal thoroughfare, Sharia al-Gumhorriya reflects Port Said’s metamorphosis from salty entrepôt to slick commercial centre, with plate-glass facades superseding early 20th-century balconies as the street progresses north.
With an MSC Mediterranean cruise excursion, you can also visit Port Said’s bazaar, ranging from humble stalls on Salah al Din Street to smart boutiques on Sharia en-Nahda and at the junction between Sharia al-Gumhorriya and Sharia 23rd July


I denne havn kan skibet ankre offshore, hvilket betyder, at gæster går i land med en tenderbåd (et mindre skib) for at nå havnen. Bemærk venligst, at tenderbåden muligvis ikke er tilpasset personer med nedsat mobilitet eller balanceproblemer.
At sikre vores gæsters sikkerhed er vores højeste prioritet, det er vigtigt, at gæsterne kan færdes sikkert i tenderbåden. For yderligere information, se vores generelle vilkår og betingelser (afsnit 7).

Cruises from / to Port Said in 2025

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